Pushing the Envelope: The Career of Paul Verhoeven (Part 2)

Yesterday, we discussed the first part of director Paul Verhoeven's career.  We saw how after growing up in the Netherlands and making a name for himself there, he came to Hollywood in the late 1980s with every intention of "pushing the envelope."  This he managed to do while scoring huge successes with the films "Robocop" … Continue reading Pushing the Envelope: The Career of Paul Verhoeven (Part 2)

Pushing the Envelope: The Career of Paul Verhoeven (Part 1)

"I feel there's a huge discrepancy between what life really is and what we are supposed to see in the movies." So says Paul Verhoeven, one of the most successful directors in Hollywood during the past three decades.  While there's no denying that he had an extremely profitable run during the 1990s, it wasn't necessarily … Continue reading Pushing the Envelope: The Career of Paul Verhoeven (Part 1)